Friday, after a “light” break of 95 days, I returned to Sunstone Yoga to kick my practice back into gear. I honestly never intended to let my practice drop by the wayside, but sometime things just happen. It really started for me back in February when I got just about the worst ear infection I think I’ve ever had. The …
Yoga Class 50: The Half Century
Yup, this crazy monkey is still going strong with his practice. Today I hit the fifty class mark (woo hoo!) and it’s really caused me to look back on this past twenty-five classes with some introspection. First, Camel Pose (Ustrasana) and Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana) are now my bitch. Yeah, that’s bold to say, but both of those were some of …
Yoga Class 25: Finding Foundation
Ugh, another damn yoga post? Doesn’t this idiot have anything else better to write about? Today’s answer: no. This morning I woke up extra-groggy and with a scratchy throat. Knowing that the creeping crud has been taking down friends left and right, I was very determined to find refuge in a nice hot yoga class to help burn out the …
Yoga Day 5: Defying Earth
Taking the various classes offered by Sunstone Yogahas been eye-opening. I can definitely see the differences between the classes and the intended foci that each class were geared towards. Having taken Fire and Wood classes, I ventured into an Earth class this morning. The major difference between Earth and the other two is that music plays over the Earth class …
Yoga Day 4
No, I didn’t give up after my bad day; I just got lazy. By lazy I mean I didn’t come home and do a write-up of the awesomeness that was my Day 4. Instead I tooled around town and got a whole lot of nothing done and then the day was over. Here I am about an hour before my …
Yoga Day 3: in the losing team’s locker room
For this first portion of this posting, imagine me sitting in front of a bank of microphones behind a press table with some terrible satin curtain or backdrop behind me. Reporter 1: “What happened today?” Me: “My head wasn’t in it and that’s got to be one of the most important things to bring to the game. I started out …
Yoga Day 2: I can haz wood
After surviving pretty much 24 hours after yoga, I thought I’d celebrate with another class. I thought I’d do a nice “Fire” class to follow up with my “Fire” intro, but, in my yogic euphoria I misread the schedule and ended up at a “Wood” class. “No problem,” I told myself, “Core strengthening and stamina are things you should probably …
Yoga Day 1
The last time I took a yoga class, Bill Clinton was just starting his Presidency and I had no concept of what working out in a “hot room” was about. Today, I returned to yoga and lived to tell about it. Because I have managed to fill my active time with other activities for the past couple of years, I …